„For, verily, great love springs from great knowledge of the beloved object,
and if you little know it, you will be able to love it only a little or not at all.“ – Leonardo da Vinci

Originally a historian with a focus on the book culture of the late Middle Ages, now a medieval scribe and painter. She learned the painting technique from her Italian Master, Dr. Michele A. Ziccheddu, calligraphic skills from her own study of medieval sources and partly under the guidance of teacher Dr. Fiorella Garofalo. She gradually called her work Margaritae Ars, or Margaritae ars in Latin.

She specializes in the creation of medieval works according to the techniques of the old masters at the request of private individuals, companies or institutions. Its purpose is to organize courses for the general public about medieval writing and painting in Olomouc city.

She collaborates with museums, galleries, and schools with organizing lectures and workshops. With her medieval workshop, she was a guest at Medieval Center Nykøbing, Medieval Jule in Visby and introduced to the basics of medieval painting at the International Medieval Congress in Leeds.