Replica of the charter from the 15th of June 1349.

Detail on the replica of the charter from the 15th of June 1349.

An alliance charter between various nobles created for Czech reenactment group Doba Karlova.

Preparation for sealing of an alliance charter.

The deeds about the wedding agreement from year 1368.

Promotion to Captain (Hauptmann) from Austrian general Matthias Graf Gallas done for reenactment group Regiment of Matthias Gallas.

Wedding contract between Janek Kwietina and Sylwa Bambassowa from year 1622.

Reconstruction of the Privilege of the Baron Martin de Hoeff-Huerta for the town of Velhartice from March 4th, 1631. Created for exposition in Castle Velhartice.

Detail of reconstruction of the Privilege of the Baron Martin de Hoeff-Huerta for the town Velhartice.

Papal privilege for the Teutonic Orden with date 1365.

Twenty of parchment leaves with songs Cantigas de Santa Maria glorifying the Virgin Mary created for reenactment group Kastilie 1312.

One parchment sheet with song Rosas de rosa from the collection Cantigas de Santa Maria.

Page from Stockholm Codex Aureus, Gospel book from the mid-eight century.

Page from the Gorleston Psalter, famous for grotesque drolleries, from the first quarter of the 14th century.

Prayer to St. Anastasia according to the Vatican sacramentary from the beginning of the 14th century.

Page from Firenze’s Graduale from the first half of the 15th century.

Part of illumination of the Bible of King Wencelaus IV. of Bohemia made around year 1390.

Full-page miniature of St. Francis of Assisi from the Book of hours belonging to countess Yolanda de Soissons from the end of the 13th century.

Initial of the Olomouc Missal which was printed in 1488 in Bamberg.

Initial D(entes) from the illuminated encyclopedia Omne Bonum created in mid-14th century.

Constellation of Bull from Star atlas of Al-Sufi.

Constellation of Bull from Star atlas of Al-Sufi.

The whole aplhabet of renaissance initials „bianchi girari“.